The Lens that made me an Impostor | Sony 50mm f1.4 GM
This search took me a decade, but last year I finally found it. My favourite lens of all time. A technical masterpiece - everything I could have wanted in a lens.
The problem? This lens is so good it made me feel like an impostor.
Levelling Up
20 Feb 2023
Impostor Syndrome is most commonly discussed as a liability, a personal flaw, something that holds you back professionally and personally. But what if we flip the phenomenon on its head, and recognise that we only feel like an impostor because we know enough to understand our own limitations? That it’s exactly this type of vulnerability and openness that we should expect of all of our leaders, and if you understand the value of this phenomenon it may be the thing that takes your career to the next level?
13 Feb 2023
The general consensus is that impostor syndrome is a weakness that you need “overcome” by giving yourself a pep talk in the mirror, but what if we flip this phenomenon on its head? That knowing what we don’t know is not a sign of weakness, but a strength to seek knowledge and collaboration? That it’s exactly this kind of mindset that leads to you pushing against any professional box or ceiling to learn new skills as part of your long-term career arc?
Rookie Jitters
9 Feb 2023
In many ways I am the embodiment of the impostor syndrome - I have multiple qualifications in Science, Information Technology, did a PhD, received senior teaching and microbiology fellowships, worked in academia for 10+ years, and in 2020 I was named the Australian University Teacher of the year. This should be in some ways an unimpeachable resume but I have been (or at least felt like) an impostor every step of the way. I don’t view this as a bad thing at all, and long story short I now know that I am doing the right kind of work and asking the right questions when those feelings of insecurity start creeping in.
A Fresh Start
16 January 2023
It seems like there’s no greater unforced error than the impostor syndrome - self-inflicted (or perhaps not?) anxieties and inadequacies that are intrinsic to many high-achieving individuals. This issue was raised at a conference panel I spoke at last year, and without fail every speaker and attendee confessed to be at its mercy. The Higher Education sector is plagued by the Impostor Syndrome (and poor mental health overall) and not enough is being done to address it in a systematic way.